It's Friday and it's 'no school' day for Billy. The weather was very good, a little windy but it still a nice day to go outside and get some sun. Billy enjoys being outside especially on his swing and just recently on the slide. It was just last week dear hubby noticed how brave and confident he was on the slide. He just let go of his dada's hand and off he went sliding down on his own. Normally he would hold tight to our hand while he is sliding. He must have learnt it from school. :D
It was a breezy morning yesterday. Billy was so excited watching the whole bunch of dried leaves pouring down from the trees like rain. He really enjoyed it very much. At first he stops and looked up with 'Oh! what is happening?' on his face. But second later he must have thought it was so exciting and he started jumping around until it's over. Funny little guy. :D