Saturday, April 26, 2008

Enjoy Being Outdoor!

Mommy, look what I found?

Playing with his school bus.

It's Friday and it's 'no school' day for Billy. The weather was very good, a little windy but it still a nice day to go outside and get some sun. Billy enjoys being outside especially on his swing and just recently on the slide. It was just last week dear hubby noticed how brave and confident he was on the slide. He just let go of his dada's hand and off he went sliding down on his own. Normally he would hold tight to our hand while he is sliding. He must have learnt it from school. :D

OH? What's happening?

It was a breezy morning yesterday. Billy was so excited watching the whole bunch of dried leaves pouring down from the trees like rain. He really enjoyed it very much. At first he stops and looked up with 'Oh! what is happening?' on his face. But second later he must have thought it was so exciting and he started jumping around until it's over. Funny little guy. :D

Yeah!!! It's fun.

This is really exciting!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Billy's First Time-out

Billy got his first 'Time-out' for not listening to his dada last weekend. He was dragging his car on the wall but his dada was not happy with it. Usually he would play his car on the floor or on his table but recently he got this new idea of trying to get it moves on the wall.

His dada asked him to stop doing it but he just ignored him. When his dada approached him, he even stomped his tiny feet on the floor...hihi. So his dada put him on 4 minutes time out. We were pretty surprised as he did not object to it and just sat there until his dada gets him out. His dada explained to him why the time-out but I was not sure if he really understood it. Do you think it is appropriate to start discipline at this age?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Billy's Text Message To Mommy

I had a big surprise this evening when I open my e-mail. Got this text message from dear hubby cell phone in my e-mail.

Jmmmdw wjzt x 9 w yn9w wyww w wwwwwttttttv0wwjmwnwmw6odpmmm

I asked dear hubby who was busy in the kitchen why he sent me such message. He denied sent it and wondering if Billy did it. And guess what? We caught Billy inside the bedroom playing with dada’s cell. So there you go. Guilty as charged!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Billy At Ocean Beach, SF

jumpcut movie:SF1

I love you dada! Love you mommy!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How I Love Spring.

Two weeks ago we had an opportunity to bring Billy to the playground nearby. That was the first time we brought Billy to the playground this year. He was so happy, running around freely in the big compound, not really interested in any of the play equipment. I guess he is still too small to play with any of the equipment. Normally we let him play outside about four or five hours a week but on a very limited space as we do not have fences and the street is always busy. It’s about time to bring him out to the playground more often so he can have more space and opportunity to play with other children as well.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


We are back in O.R now. Everything is back to normal again…yeah! Billy is going back to school. He is still recovering from the jetlag(San Francisco is 3 hours ahead of TN) but definitely is feeling so much better now. Last week had been a bad week for him and frustrated week for us. He is teething and we did not even notice it until I saw his second molars show up a few days ago. Perhaps that was why the irritability, crankiness, crying episodes and loose appetites while we were in San Francisco.

Frankly, we were puzzled of why every time we put him on the high chair in the restaurant, he cried and refused to sit. Let alone eat some food. For a couple of days, he pretty much lived of his favorite crackers. He never shows such bad behavior before. I am so happy he is taking food now. Well, he is still cranky some time but we understand him better now.