Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just Me!!

Reading my favorite book while waiting for the school bus.

My favorite book of all 'My Favorite Toys Book'.

Waiting for the school bus.

My Easter Bunny craft!

Dada want this one for his office. You can have it dada!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy 9th Birthday Cousin Erinna!

Dear Cousin Erinna,

Happy 9th Birthday!

Have a wonderful birthday. Hope you get lots of prezzies from mommy, daddy, Nana & Emma.

Cousin Billy, Mommy & Dada,
The Secret City.

That's me and cousin Erinna.

Cutie Pie Erinna.

Erinna & her twin sisters.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Billy First School Photo

Got Billy's school composite photo early this week. The two row on the top are their wonderful teachers. Seem like too many students in the class....hihi! Nope, they are in two different classes.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's Bath Time, Mom!

Bath time is another one of Billy's favorite time. In the spring and summer, Billy could stay longer in the tub. :-)

Enjoying his bath time.

In the summer he would have his small swimming pool out in the yard. It would be more exciting than just in the bathtub....yeaah! :-))